Holloway Credit Solutions, LLC


At Holloway Credit Solutions, our collection staff is 100% U.S. based, certified in the nuances of the FDCPA, and adept in the privacy rules of HIPAA. Our commitment to continuous training and improvement, combined with the longevity of our staff, all contributes to the quality of services we offer as well as process automation, review, and reporting.


At Holloway, nothing is more important than protecting the privacy of your customers. With infrastructure certified to PCI complicance, you have peace of mind knowing that your data is being used and stored in a manner you can trust. 

Affordable Care Act

For our healthcare clients needing to satisfy the provisions of 501(r), Holloway Credit Solutions offers fully customizable solutions tailored to each of our client’s specific needs. Through adherence to notification periods and custom letters, including individualized FAPs and compliance statements integrated into our billing process, our seamless flows result in reduced burden on your staff and ensure compliance with your policies.

HIPAA/HITECH – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Nothing is more important than the security of our client's data and the privacy of their patients. At Holloway, we ensure adherence with all aspects with the HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules. Our system infrastructure and processes are designed to protect and mitigate risks, providing you with compliance to regulatory requirements you can trust.

FCRA – Fair Credit Reporting Act

Since its inception in 1970, Holloway has adhered to all aspects of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Forming the base of credit consumer rights, Holloway understands the importance of accurate and confidential credit reporting. Clients who wish for Holloway to pursue credit reporting of their accounts have the confidence of knowing that through our expertise and technology, consistent and accurate reporting is a given.

FDCPA – Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

As with everything we stand for, treating others in a respectful and professional manner is paramount to our clients’ success as well as our own. At Holloway, promotion and understanding of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is at the forefront of our culture. Each member of our collections staff must pass the certification test from the American Collectors Association (ACA) on the nuances of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) before taking their first phone call. Collectors conduct every conversation in a professional, courteous, and confidential manner.

Medicare Cost Reporting

We understand the importance of Medicare Cost Reporting to our clients, and for this, we maintain account accuracy and history to prove each account meets your reasonable efforts guidelines. We have the ability to back feed specific activity into our clients' systems for compliance and reimbursement. Holloway is committed to making certain this process is accurate, efficient, and managed in accordance with your specific policies.